A significant historical month for this entry is October 1885. Annual Report, 1872, pp. By narrowing the river and thereby increasing the main channel's velocity, the Corps hoped to scour one uninterrupted navigation channel the length of the upper river.63 Wing dams, closing dams and shore protection required two simple components: willow saplings and rock. One dam would be blown up within 5 years of its completion and another would have to be redesigned and the completed part rebuilt. FIRST RAILROADS As more settlers arrived in the late 1770s and early 1800s, however, the need for more reliable ways to cross rivers became evident. Sherman once said, Grant is brave, honest, & true, but not a Genius.. While intense local issues had resulted in two dams, an equally intense national debate would lead to a new project for one. (Figure 1). The four broad projects are known as the 4-, 41/2-, 6- and 9-foot channel projects. The inland and intercoastal waterways, with the Upper Mississippi highlighted in red. Donald B. Dodd and Wynelle S. Dodd, Historical Statistics of the United States, 1790-1970. . While the Minnesota legislature appointed someone else to finish Norton's term, Windom won the seat in 1871. Hill, Out With the Fleet, p. 291. . This misplaces the authority for authorizing the project with the Corps instead of Congress and makes the Corps a proactive proponent of the project, which she does not demonstrate they were. Carey's 1814 Map of Missouri Territory formally Louisiana. Military supplies and furs would dominate the much smaller steamboat trade above Galena. With river traffic failing and railroads monopolizing the regions transportation, many farmers and business interests believed they were facing a shipping crisis. In addition to the Mississippi River crossings, there are six Rock River crossings and another in the final design stage. Pilots, Merrick recounted, had to study the nightmares first. The most comprehensive and authoritative history site on the Internet. Native Americans hunted and farmed in the Mississippi valley for hundreds of years before white men arrived. Solon J. Buck, who wrote the classic study of the Grange, observed that, although avowedly nonpolitical, the phenomenal increase in the membership of the order during 1873 and 1874 awakened the liveliest interest, and sometimes apprehension, among politicians throughout the Union.45 As a result, he says, the New York Tribune, referring to the Grange, declared that within a few weeks it has menaced the political equilibrium of the most steadfast states.46 While the Grange refused to form a political party or actively participate in the established parties, its members did not. Location. From the St. Croix to the Illinois River it varied from 18 to 24 inches. When the white explorers finally reached the valley region, they also adopted the customary mode of crossing long followed by their red predecessors. A newly completed lock and dam and another one under construction promised to make Minneapolis the head of navigation. U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers,1872, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1876-1940), p. 309. As it had learned more about the upper Mississippi River, the Corps had recognized the futility of keeping the river navigable by dredging.61 In 1874, when the Montana could not dredge due to high water, the Engineers refitted it with a pile driver and went to Pig's Eye Island, five miles below St. Paul (Figure 8). Merrick, Old Times, p. 100; Havighurst, A Wilderness Saga, p. 158, says that early steamboating was a triumph of men more than machines, and, p. 159, that piloting was not so much a trade as a miracle.. 229-42), Barns addresses three issues concerning Kelley. 259, 262; Laws of the United States, pp., 155-56; H. Exec. The Hernando de Soto Bridge, named after the Spanish explorer who reached the Mississippi River in 1541, opened to automobile traffic on August 2, 1973. Sherman advocated a withdrawal of the army to Memphis, where it could regroup and then move south. To prove their point, they paid the steamer Lamartine $200 to journey from St. Paul to the cataract. On April 22, 1856, the citizens of Rock Island, Illinois, and Davenport, Iowa, cheered as they watched three steam locomotives pull eight passenger cars safely across the newly completed Chicago and Rock Island railroad bridge over the Mississippi River. as the mat went down under the load . But, as a result of the economic panic beginning that year, a number of unprecedented droughts and the Civil War, navigation, they brashly claimed, had receded some sixteen miles, to St. Paul, where all the freight destined to these cities, (Minneapolis and St. Anthony) and the vast regions north and west . From St. Anthony Falls to downtown St. Paul, some 15 river miles, the river falls more than 100 feet. Simple Add/Edit Procedure . Twenty-seven river miles downstream, at Hastings, they recorded a rise of about one foot and at Red Wing about one-half foot. How the Mississippi River Made Mark Twain And Vice Versa No novelist captured the muddy waterway and its people like the creator of Huckleberry Finn, as a journey along the river makes clear. Historically, the Quad Cities had the first Mississippi River bridge crossing in the United States. Doc. C $24.12 . Kelley and Grangers in the upper Mississippi River valley saw the river as an essential route to domestic and foreign markets. Here, the Northern Light, one of the largest steamers on the upper river, passed them just after sundown. From the quarterboats you could hear the big rocks hitting each other, like a rapid-fire rage. Walter Havighurst, Upper Mississippi, A Wilderness Saga, (New York: Farrar & Rinehart; New York: J. J. Historical Features are physical or cultural features that are no longer visible on the landscape. Sandbars determined the river's overall navigability. It drew national Senators and Representatives from 22 states and the governors of Minnesota, Ohio, Kansas, Missouri, and Virginia. This is a list of all current and notable former bridges or other crossings of the Upper Mississippi River which begins at the Mississippi River's source and extends to its confluence with the Ohio River at Cairo, Illinois . Forward thinking entrepreneurs and politicians pushed for the development of such a railroad and in May 1869 the final spike of the Transcontinental Railroad was driven in Promontory Point in Utah. However, enslavers and law enforcement officials caught at least five of . [and] suggested that the Congress study the problem and find a solution. Windom, Select Committee, p. 7; Schonberger, Transportation to the Seaboard, p. 29. 106-7. Westward expansion in the 1850s punctuated the need for a transcontinental railroad. Grant Stevenson. No. In its petition, the state stressed that boats had frequently landed within two and one-half miles of downtown Minneapolis, up until 1857. While the river naturally eroded its banks, closing dams and wing dams accelerated erosion by increasing the channel's velocity and volume. Jul 1850 LYMAN, Joseph S.; m2. 1491, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1913), pp. The conservationist and local hero hails from the Quad Cities, a 300,000-person metropolitan area spanning two states on either side of the Mississippi River. . .dodging reefs and hunting the best water.22 Poor hunters often fell prey to the river they hunted. crossing the mississippi river in 1850 middlebury college blanket Mary Meachum Celebration The United States grew up on the water and remains a maritime nation to this day. Havighurst, A Wilderness Saga, p. 161. In 1854 the first two railroads reached the Mississippi River: the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad at Rock Island, Illinois, and the Chicago and Alton at Alton, Illinois. Petersen, Steamboating, p. 298, also recognizes the railroad at Rock Island as the first to reach the river. Second, was the idea of the Grange really his? By 1907, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Hastings and other river cities, through their successful lobbying and through the Corps, had changed the upper Mississippi River dramatically. U.S. Congress, House, Survey of Upper Mississippi River, Letter from the Secretary of War in answer to a resolution of the House, of December 20, 1866, transmitting report of the Chief of Engineers, with General Warrens report of the surveys of the Upper Mississippi river and its tributaries, 39th Congress, 2d Session, Ex. . HistoryNet.com contains daily features, photo galleries and over 25,000 articles originally published in our nine magazines. 1850: Birth of the levee system. The Missouri drains 528,000 sq. Desiring to keep traffic flowing past their city, the citizens had attempted to close the Wisconsin channel but had been unsuccessful. The next day, Colonel Benjamin Grierson and 1,700 troopers started on a mounted raid through central Mississippi to destroy railroad tracks and mislead the Southerners. Cassville's first ferry, a 40-foot rowboat, crossed the Mississippi River in 1833. A major focus of the Big River Crossing is the "big river" itself, which visitors view from the nearly one-mile walkway built alongside the historic Harahan Bridge, one of the river's former roadways. Windom's hometown, Winona, lay on the Mississippi River in southeastern Minnesota.51 Windom first became a senator when Republican Daniel S. Norton died in office in 1870 and Minnesota's governor appointed Windom to fill the seat. If lucky, they avoided hogging the boat; that is, warping or breaking its hull.24. There the Union defeated the confederates which led to the eventual fall of Vicksburg. Merrick, Old Times, p. 162, says that From 1852 to 1857 there were not boats enough to carry the people who were flocking into the newly-opened farmers' and lumbermans' paradise.. Frederick J. Dobney, River Engineers of the Middle Mississippi: A History of the St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978), p. 33. The remarkable physical adaptation of our country for cheap and ample water communications, the committee concluded, point unerringly to the improvement of our great natural water-ways, and their connection by canals, or by short freight-railway portages under control of the government, as the obvious and certain solution of the problem of cheap transportation.57, Relying on the reports the Corps of Engineers submitted, the committee noted that improvements on the Mississippi River had been sporadic. In 1876, he returned to Wisconsin to becomefittinglya railway agent. It would alter the navigable portion of the river through the MNRRA corridor dramatically. Native American at back of boat (detail), Emanuel Leutze, Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851, oil on canvas, 378.5 x 647.7 cm (Metropolitan Museum of Art, photo: Steven Zucker, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Despite Leutze's interest in history, there is little historical accuracy to be found within the painting. Railroad expansion following the Civil War accelerated the pace of the Midwest's unprecedented population and agricultural growth. Nevertheless, Farquhar optimistically asked for $300,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1876.86 Disagreement over the grant and haggling over land for the project, including the purchase of Meeker Island, however, would delay the project for nearly 20 more years.87 St. Paul remained the head of navigation, and the Corps focused its efforts downstream. To further increase the water available for navigation, Congress authorized the Corps to construct six dams at the headwaters of the Mississippi, in northern Minnesota, between 1880 and 1907. Wing and closing dam construction began at Pike Island at the mouth of the Minnesota River. So, commercial leaders in Minneapolis, supported by the State of Minnesota, sought federal support for navigation improvements in 1866. At Guttenberg, Iowa, an island split the river into two channels, one passing in front of the city and the other running along the Wisconsin side. (circa 1850) No connections to the east. Subsequent engineers reduced this number to six. On November 20, 1855, the Mississippi and Missouri Railroad, which later became part of the Rock Island System, operated the first . Harold B. Schonberger, Transportation to the Seaboard: The Communication Revolution and American Foreign Policy, 1860-1900, (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Corporation, 1971), p. 21. 2, 62nd Cong., 3d sess., Doc. In early March, Grant wired General-in-Chief Henry W. Halleck, I will have Vicksburg this month or fail in the attempt. He ordered operations on the Yazoo River and through Steeles Bayou, both of which ended in failure. Between 1800 and 1860, 'at least 875,000 . 29-30; Frederic L. Paxson, Railroads of the Old Northwest, before the Civil War, Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 17 (1914):257-60, 269-71. Railroads moved their freight quicker, giving their users greater flexibility in responding to market changes. In doing so, they would contribute to the drive for navigation improvement at the same time they were throttling shipping on the river. ft. From Minneapolis' perspective, the channel improvement works on the upper Mississippi River only benefitted its principal rivalSt. George Byron Merrick, Old Times on the Upper Mississippi: The Recollections of a Steamboat Pilot from 1854 to 1863, Appendix B, Opening of Navigation at St. Paul, 1844-1862, (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1987), p. 295. . Islands created dangerous currents.13 From just below Hastings to St. Anthony Falls roughly 40 islands broke the rivers flow. 1; see U.S. Congress, House, Survey of the Upper Mississippi River, Exec. By dividing the river, islands limited the water available to the navigation channel and thereby its depth. Doc. Cadwallader C. Washburn and his brother William D., the Minneapolis Mill Company's owners and two of the city's most powerful and prominent millers, adamantly opposed locks and dams. Contrary to most histories that follow Dixon, A Traffic History, p. 48, in saying that there were thirteen bridges across the Mississippi River by 1880, Patrick Brunet, The Corps of Engineers and Navigation Improvements on the Channel of Upper Mississippi River to 1939, Masters Thesis, (Austin, University of Texas, 1977), p. 46, says that there were fourteen bridges across the river by 1877, and he lists them. While some arrived by way of the Great Lakes, many settlers entering Iowa, Minnesota and western Wisconsin made part of their journey on the upper river.6 Historian Roald Tweet contends that, The number of immigrants boarding boats at St. Louis and traveling upriver to St. Paul dwarfed the 1849 gold rush to California and Oregon.7 More than one million passengers arrived at or left from St. Louis in 1855 alone.8 As a result, the population of the four upper river states above Missouri ballooned between 1850 and 1860. In these reaches, Warren found that the river seems, as it were, lost, and indecisive which way to go and the pilot is scarcely able to find the line of deepest water even in daylight, and is unable to proceed at night with any confidence.31 The small pools behind the bars would play an important part in Warren's strategy for navigation improvement on the upper river. Gone now, the island lay some three miles below the falls, in Minneapolis. Dewey was lured to Cassville by its promise as the potential capital of the Wisconsin Territory. Extending navigation above St. Anthony Falls with the other two locks and dams would total $1,538,702.90. During the frontier era, settlers used old animal and Indian trails, fording most streams or building crude rafts to cross larger rivers. The area is ideal for classic resort cabin or camping vacations. As steamboats evolved and as the region's population and production grew, the river's limitations as a navigation route would become unacceptable and Midwesterners would repeatedly call for its improvement as a commercial artery. He does not provide a location for this work and there is no mention of it in later reports, however. The Headwaters project provided for construction of the Winnibigoshish Dam in 1883-1884 and the completion of dams at Leech Lake (1884), Pokegama Falls (1884), Pine River (1886), Sandy Lake (1895), and Gull Lake (1912). They yearned to make their city the head of navigation. Over the next nine years he worked his way up to become a cub pilot. According to most estimates, the Yellowstone River measures approximately 692 miles (1,114 kilometers) long. Background on the Crossing Strategy To examine Quad Cities crossing needs, a study was conducted between 1996 and 1998 that culminated in the identification of three crossing improvements in the . Now as to the duplication of locks and dams; two instead of one. 32 21.065 N, 90 53.032 W. Marker is in Vicksburg, Mississippi, in Warren County. However, for the enslaved in the country years ago, the river represented something worlds away from oppression. As the state failed to return it, the Corps did not begin work. In 1854 the Minnesota Pioneer,a St. Paul newspaper, reported that passengers and freight overflowed from every steamboat that arrived and that the present tonnage on the river is by no means sufficient to handle one-half the business of the trade.3 While two steamboats often left St. Paul each day, they could not carry goods away as quickly as merchants and farmers deposited it, and many upper river cities mirrored St. Paul.4 Each steamboat that docked created new business and a greater backlog, as more immigrants disembarked to establish farms and businesses.5, Spurred by Indian land cessions that opened much of the Midwest between 1820 and 1860, by Iowa's statehood in 1846 and Wisconsin's in 1848 and by the creation of the Minnesota Territory in 1849, passenger traffic on the upper river boomed. Examples: a dried up lake, a destroyed building, a hill leveled by mining. This act signaled a new era of internal improvements and the beginning of dramatic changes to the upper Mississippi River. Such improvements were beyond the ability of the individual states and had to be undertaken by the federal government, they declared.50. Congress, however, would soon authorize new projects for the upper Mississippi River that would make this impossible. The Union general had determined after the December failures to march his army down the Louisiana side of the river south of Vicksburg and then ferry it across to the east bank. Location: Illinois, United States. Doc. Kane, Rivalry, pp. When the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad was completed in 1854 under the direction of Henry Farnam and his partner Joseph Sheffield, it became the first to connect the East with the Mississippi River. This measurement takes into account the full mainstem of the river. American Memory Project, Library of Congress. II The Midwest, (The University of Alabama Press, 1973), pp. Ibid., p. 293. At Dibbles Point, the shoreline had eroded 15 to 20 feet in one year due to a wing dam built at Prescott Island, near Prescott.67 To protect shores from naturally eroding or from being undercut by the constricted channel, the Corps protected hundreds of miles of shoreline with brush mats and rock. There is the city of St. Paul, and there is the city of Minneapolis. From this time forward, the Corps' role in the river would become as deep and broad as the river itself. Barns credits Kelley with founding the Grange, recognizing the role of others, particularly of Miss Carrie Hall, Kelley's niece. 17 Oct 1872 BUTLER, Thomas *15: BRAKEMAN, Harriet (1835-1866): m'd 05 Jul 1852 WADSWORTH, Elisha . A. Humphreys, the Chief of Engineers, ordered Brevet Major General and Major of Engineers Gouverneur K. Warren to St. Paul to begin the Corps' work on the upper Mississippi River (Figure 4). In December 1872, he had introduced a resolution to address the transportation problem. Printed in the Minnesota Monthlys July edition, the convention's preamble to its resolutions declared: "The Mississippi River traverses for thousands of miles the noblest agricultural regions of the earth, running from North to South, . Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. Railroads have got enough for the present. The XV Corps commander argued that Porters gunboats and transports could not run past Vicksburgs batteries. It flows south at a speed of 1.2 miles per hour to the Mississippi River Delta in the Gulf of Mexico and forms the second largest drainage system in North America after the Hudson Bay. The Civil War then delayed construction of the railroad. I could even smell the delightfully blended odor of the willows and of the creosoted marline twine with which the bundles were held together. Accepting Mackenzies arguments and under continual pressure by navigation proponents in Minneapolis, Congress authorized the Five-Foot Project in Aid of Navigation, in the River and Harbor Act of August 18, 1894. Twice during December 1862, Grant ordered thrusts against the city from the north. Millers at St. Anthony were profiting from the release of water from the Headwaters Reservoirs, but Minneapolis civic and commercial boosters wanted more than milling. Where steamboat pilots followed the deepest channel, as it hugged one shore or the other, leaning trees might sweep poorly placed cargo or an unwary passenger from a steamboat's deck. Finley's 1827 State Map of Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. Construction of the tied-in double-arch structure began in May 1967. . Pike took 40 strokes in his bateau and Long only 16 in his skiff.12. Because some of the bridges across the river may be under construction, unofficial, small or in disrepair, the exact number of bridges that cross the Mississippi River is difficult to pin down to a single precise number; however, it can be said that there are at least 130 bridges that cross the Mississippi River. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.. Their effort resulted in one of the most mysterious and ill-fated projects on the upper river. 23-25; Tweet, A History of the Rock Island District, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, 1866-1983, (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984), p. 39; William J. Petersen, Steamboating on the Upper Mississippi, (Iowa City: The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1968), pp. St. Paul and Minneapolis pushed especially hard. .65 Once the willow mats had been laid in the water, the workers would sink them with rock. Between 1823 and 1847, most boats carried lead and worked around Galena, Illinois. 530, 1649-50; Annual Report, 1907, pp. For wing dams, the suggested proportion of brush to rock was two to one, although where the current was strong, the ratio might increase to a ratio of three or four portions of brush for every one of rock. He evidently was a cattle herder in Mississippi, with many vouchers for his work. A traveler glides down the river, without much disturbance due to the shallow draft of the vessel. Pike, Sources of the Mississippi, p. 24; Keating, Narrative of an Expedition, p. 297. Doc. Construction of the five-and-a-half-mile, six-lane bridge cost fifty-seven million dollars. Between 1866 and 1869, three more railroads crossed the river to Iowa, and by 1877, thirteen railroad bridges spanned the upper river (Figure 5).40 Railroads greatly increased the countrys ability to move commodities, and, yet, railroads would provoke and inflame a shipping crisis. Finally, and recognizing the emerging power of railroads, the state asserted that the river is now and ever will be and remain the great regulator and moderator of fares and freights among the rival carriers of the commerce of the west. Referring to the Civil War, the state implored Congress to recollect with what haste and facility the various railroad lines combined to increase the cost of travel, and double, and in some instances triple and quadruple, the cost of transporting the produce of the west during the late non-intercourse measures in the Lower Mississippi. The river would bind the country together again.77. Key local projects included Locks and Dams 1 (Ford Dam) and 2 (Hastings), Lower and Upper St. Anthony Falls Locks and Dams, and the little known Meeker Island Lock and Dam, which was the rivers first and shortest-lived lock and dam (Figure 2). To subscribe, click here. . In other words, Congress asked the Corps to determine how to establish a continuous, 4-foot channel for the upper river at low water. 311-12; Kane adds that during these years Meeker had sought to get the required completion date extended. In response to their lobbying, Congress authorized four broad projects to improve navigation on the upper river and a number of site-specific projects in the Twin Cities metropolitan area since 1866. Rachel Kramer/CC-BY 2.0. Those that swayed back and forth with the current they called sawyers. In newly constricted reaches, the channel might be good for a season or two and then become difficult again, due to the river's natural tendencies or as a result of the improvement works themselves. The Mississippi River touches 31 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces and is one of the largest rivers in the world. Reeling from Chicago's increasing dominance over the region's trade, they saw the river as their best counteroffensive. 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