Navigate to District Specific Standards to view specific drawings that pertain to IDOT districts. Privacy Policy Have the shoulder widths, cross slopes and pavements, and location of utilities (poles, etc.) [All users of the Investor Page remain subject to the general terms of use and disclaimers of NJTAs website.]. structures, fencing, retaining or noise walls, drainage features, and proposed topography where needed, First sheet(s) show the method of cross sections, Stripping quantities and limits (cuts and fills), Regulated Material excavation and quantities, Excavation and quantities, including estimated % wet, estimated % rock, and final grades, Retaining walls, crib walls, abutments, piers and buildings (foundations), Limits of Zone 2 backfill with apparent firm bottom, Ditch sections with quantity, if from sections, Channel sections with quantity, if from sections, Note describing additional embankment available from project excavation to reduce borrow, Check for adequate driveway details and pavement runouts to cover all situations that may be encountered, Traffic signal, CCTV, HAR, and VMS utility conflict corrections, The size and type of Contract drawing sheets shall be according to the. This manual has been prepared to provide Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) bridge design engineers with a guide to the design criteria, analysis methods, and detailing procedures for the preparation of highway bridge and structure construction plans, specifications, and estimates. Jun 2002 - Sep 202018 years 4 months. Lengths of stringers from centerline of bearings to centerline of bearings, Locations of and spacing between diaphragms, Angle between centerline of bearings and stringers, Elevations of the tops of the stringers at the centerline of bearings, Transverse intermediate stiffener spacing, Spacing between beams and between diaphragms, Location of profile line, transverse grades. This includes pedestrians, bicyclists, and neighbors, such as residents, and businesses, as well as drivers. parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. Corporations An earthwork chart should be provided only when the project is a large earth moving project and complex enough to warrant a graphic picture of available embankment sites. Have Effects of Workers Level of Protection and Special Equipment Cost been included in the estimate? Have Seismic design and retrofit details been provided? for which Utilities and Right of Way must be notified in writing.(. He is competent in Highway/Roadway projects involving new design . Conditions of the Stream Encroachment Permit have been incorporated in the plans, if applicable. in-depth review of NJDOT Phase II inspection reports of scour critical bridges . Reinforcement Steel Bar List - These are used in computing net theoretical weight. Social Media, Built by the Government Information Center Real Time Traffic Has lead time for approvals and testing of soils been included in the contract time? Refer to Section 24 of the Bridges and Structures for guidance on plan requirements. While the files are presented here in .pdf format, the source drawings are actually produced as MicroStation .dgn files. For both consultant and in-house projects the Designers submission must include the latest information as provided by the Project Manager or other Department units (submitted to the Designer in advance) to complete all requirements covered by the SPIS forms and previous comments. Withholding Tax Abutment form panel arrangement and scoring, Pay limits for foundation and bridge excavation, Granite masonry or Stainless Steel Pier Protection. reason. -Read Full Dislaimer. Division 06 - Asphalt Bases and Pavements. These may indicate: Conglomerations of "Typical Details", such as Foundation Excavation, Structural Details, Wall Sections, etc. -Read Full Dislaimer. Has adequate room been provided for equipment, trucks, cranes, etc. The project limits are shown on the plans. The Contractor shall conduct PDA measurements and CAPWAP analysis for those designated piles, or as directed by the Resident Engineer Anticipated conditions/constraints that may result from required construction permits. The Standard Plans and Standard Specifications are intended for the Nevada Department of Transportation's (NDOT) design and construction applications. Calculations are included for the following: g. Optical budget loss analysis, Foundations for ITS elements are included in the Geotechnical Foundation Engineering Report, Electric Service Inquiries are confirmed in writing, Traffic signal timing plans are complete for AM, off peak, and PM periods. ), Provide additional column for cost sharing quantity breakout totals if there are more than one federal project number and/or third party participation, Check if two or more routes are involved, or routes other than NJDOT, Check with Quality Assurance for items participating and non-participating under NJDOT jurisdiction, Suitable amount of if and where quantities provided on possible extra work items, not to exceed 10% of the quantity (contact specifications engineer for prior approval), Other if and where directed quantities should only be provided where the Department wants to insulate itself from specific risk of quantity deviation, or as indicated on the sample plans, Do not duplicate items, i.e., reset castings vs. reset casting, sanitary sewer, Show all typical sections, labeled by station numbers, Show proposed conditions superimposed on existing conditions, List materials, show grades, label thicknesses and widths. Has non-vegetative surface been included under guiderail? Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a a. Utilities - Lead Time and Relocation, c. Right of Way availability, d. Environmental - Permit Conditions/Restrictions. Have provisions been included to account for the impact of construction on the routing of school buses and/or emergency vehicles, if applicable? The Terms of Use are essential to understanding the information presented on the Investor Page. Any other information which, in the judgment of the engineer, will be of value to all concerned. Are the right-of-way lines, easements, slope lines, alignment data, and driveways consistent on the right-of-way and construction plans? NJTA is under no obligation to update any information included on the Investor Page. reason. If the STATE determines that any design submittal items noted in the QA checklist prepared by the CONSULTANT are unacceptable due to errors, omissions, or failure to comply with the requirements of the checklist, the CONSULTANT shall correct and revise the deficiency in accordance with directions received from the STATE at no cost to the STATE. The CONSULTANT shall be liable to the STATE for all damages to the STATE caused by the CONSULTANTs negligent errors and omissions, including interest and other expenses. Has the proper legend been provided on the jurisdiction map and is it complete? content from anything that may be linked to the State of NJ site for any Has the existing survey information been verified within the last two months? Roadway Plan Development Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a Includes the pay item nomenclature and pay unit. Delaware Marketplace The Engineers Estimate will be sent electronically to NJDOT. The achievement of certain results or other expectations contained in such forward-looking statements involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements described in or expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Soil erosion and sedimentation control measures (e.g. ** Required Resistance for PDA: Generally this value should be equal to the value of Nominal Axial Compression Resistance. Included are topics about Policy, Procedures, Specifications and Design Standards (Manuals, Guidelines, and Computer Aided Design and Drafting drawings). Description provides a general description of the item. Construction Standards And Details Construction Standards And Details It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. -Read Full Dislaimer. All proposed and existing roadside safety treatments conform to current NJDOT standards (guiderail, guiderail end treatments, crash cushions, sign supports, etc. Do the electrical plans conform to Sections 11 and 12 of the NJDOT Design Manual - Roadway, the Sample Plans and the Standard Electrical Details? in addition to names, is required. ), Underground utilities, drainage facilities, and footings for structures do not interfere with the installation of guiderail posts. Small scale schematic diagram showing the following minimum information: Baseline and other control lines - Stations at 25 feet intervals, Contours at 10 feet intervals between variable cross-slopes. Voting & Elections plans are consistent? Notes which reference applicable permits, their expiration dates and, if relevant, time or seasonal constraints to any construction activities. April 2015 Edition: Initial Release (PDF); Annotated Version ** Quality Assurance Checklists (12/19) (PDF) Certain statements included or incorporated by reference in the documents on the Investor Page constitute projections or estimates of future events, generally known as forward- looking statements. information, services and/or content from other we bsites operated by third Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a NJDOT and other agencies require a contractor to assign a supervisory-level employee with requisite onsite experience to act as the Traffic Control Coordinator (TCC) on roadway construction projects. The user is on notice that neither the State Has a wide load traffic detour been provided due to the roadway width available to traffic? been verified to insure the existing shoulder can accommodate traffic during stage construction? 8. The respective SDG(s) will review the Comment Resolution and/or meet with the Project Manager, the QA Unit, and the Designer to assist in resolving any outstanding issues. The Contractor shall submit a completed Pile and Driving Equipment Data Form and wave equation analysis using WEAP to demonstrate that piles can be driven with reasonable effort as indicated in the Specifications to the ordered lengths without damage Has sufficient room been provided for entrance and exit to the work zone for equipment and materials supply deliveries? All designers are cautioned not to commit to any project design cost or schedule which will prevent the designer from performing the necessary quality control and quality assurance requirements in producing accurate plans and other contract documents. The Designers responses to all previous review comments. The EP sheets are initially based on the information provided through the above list. As detailed design information is generated and when construction permit conditions become clearly defined, the EP sheets are developed and updated among the Project Manager, designer and E-Team. Finalize Tie Sheets according to initial design review comments, Clearing site area, if the project involves only demolition, Beginning and end of project (state/ federal), stations and federal numbers shown; stops and resumes shown, Limits of removal of concrete base and surface courses, and removal of bituminous concrete overlay clearly shown, All pay items are indicated; contract quantities are shown on plans and estimate sheets and specified in the standard or special provisions, Show existing and proposed profile, superimposed, Show roadway slopes and vertical curve information, Label existing and proposed elevations and structures, Finalize according to initial design review comments, Show road and ramp baseline and station numbers, If applicable, label top and bottom of slope or location to match existing slope, Show drainage appurtenances and label inverts, Show traffic flow during each stage of construction, including the transition from Reference to the Standard Drawings should be included in the Index of Drawings shown on the General Plan and Elevation Sheet. Details of epoxy seal coat payment lines. Other units that have comments that affect the Special Provisions should clearly address those in their FDS Review memo to the QA Unit. Have ties to the control line been provided outside the area of disturbance? These must match the plans and proposal. This sheet is a schematic outline of the temporary bridge to provide bidders with minimum criteria. All items of work must be covered by either the approved Specifications or by the Special Provisions. The Specifications prepared for items of work should include, as applicable, the following sections: Prior to developing any non-standard items, the Designer should ensure that no standard items and specifications are applicable for the intended work under the project. The Master Special Provisions will be developed combining all the inputs from the various SDG(s) as well as deleting all hidden text and SI specification text that does not apply to the project. Is permit time compatible with the project schedule? Shear Lock Device Details University of South Bohemia Ceske Budejovice, ranked #930 by World University Rankings in 2018-2019. Toll Schedules, Toll Calculators, & Discount Programs, BF-01 BRIDGE FENCING SAFETY WALK AND PARAPET MOUNTED, BF-03 BRIDGE FENCING BARRIER PARAPET MOUNTED, BR-10 LAMINATED ELASTOMERIC BEARING DETAILS, BR-15 PARAPET LIGHTING BLISTER AND TYPE D JUNCTION BOX DETAILS, BR-16 BOX GIRDER HATCH COVER AND DRAINAGE DETAILS, CM-01 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, GENERAL TRUSS AND SIGN LAYOUT, CM-02 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, PLAN AND ELEVATION - MAINLINE STRUCTURE, CM-03 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, PLAN AND ELEVATION - RAMP STRUCTURE, CM-04 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, TRUSS AND FIELD SPLICE DETAILS, CM-05 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, TRUSS AND FENCE DETAILS, CM-06 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, DOOR DETAILS, CM-07 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, END FRAME DETAILS, CM-08 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, ACCESS LADDER AND PLATFORM DETAILS, CM-09 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, CABLE ROUTING AND HCMS MOUNTING DETAILS, CM-10 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, BILL OF MATERIALS, CM-11 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, BRACKET DETAILS - 1, CM-12 OVERHEAD SPAN HCMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES, BRACKET DETAILS - 2, CU-02 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND CURB RAMP DETAILS, CU-03 LIP CURB AND CONCRETE CURB TRANSITIONS FOR GUIDE RAIL, CU-04 LIP CURB AND INLET TREATMENT AT BRIDGE STRUCTURES, DR-04 ALTERATIONS OF MANHOLES, INLETS AND MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS, DR-05 CONCRETE GUTTER AND SLOPE DRAIN DETAILS, DR-09 BLEEDER DRAINS, UNDERDRAINS AND SUBBASE OUTLET DRAIN, E-04 TYPE H POLE-TOP LUMINAIRE MOUNTING ASSEMBLIES, E-05 TYPE V POLE-TOP LUMINAIRE MOUNTING ASSEMBLIES, E-06 HIGHMAST LIGHTING STANDARD DETAILS - 1, E-07 HIGHMAST LIGHTING STANDARD DETAILS - 2, E-09 TRANSFORMER BASE AND POLE GROUNDING DETAILS, E-10 LIGHTING STANDARD ANCHOR BOLT DETAILS, E-18 ROADWAY LIGHTING INSTALLATION DETAILS - 1, E-19 ROADWAY LIGHTING INSTALLATION DETAILS - 2, E-20 ROADWAY LIGHTING INSTALLATION DETAILS - 3, FE-01 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND FARM FENCE DETAILS - 1, FE-02 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND FARM FENCE DETAILS - 2, FX-01 FOUNDATION EXCAVATION AND POROUS FILL - 1, FX-02 FOUNDATION EXCAVATION AND POROUS FILL - 2, GR-06 ANCHORAGE AND TERMINAL GRADING AND ROADSIDE RECOVERY AREA, GR-09 BERM SURFACING AND GUIDE RAIL DELINEATOR, GR-10 BEAM GUIDE RAIL AND POST TREATMENTS, GR-18 THRIE BEAM TRANSITION SECTIONS AND ATTACHMENTS, ITS-01 ITSS GENERAL NOTES, LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS - 1, ITS-02 ITSS GENERAL NOTES, LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS - 2, ITS-09 ITS EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TYPE 1 DETAILS, ITS-10 ITS EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TYPE 2 DETAILS - 1, ITS-11 ITS EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TYPE 2 DETAILS - 2, ITS-12 ITS EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TYPE 3 DETAILS - 1, ITS-13 PLATFORM MOUNTED ITS EQUIPMENT PROTECTION DETAIL, ITS-14 ITS EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TYPE 4 DETAILS - 1, ITS-15 ITS EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TYPE 4 DETAILS - 2, ITS-24 TRAFFIC DETECTION STATION DETAILS - 1, ITS-25 TRAFFIC DETECTION STATION DETAILS - 2, ITS-29 DUCT BANK AND JUNCTION BOX TYPE PS DETAILS, ITS-31 ITS COMMUNICATIONS DIAGRAMS - ANALOG, ITS-31A ITS COMMUNICATIONS DIAGRAMS - DIGITAL, ITS-32 CCTV CAMERA - 40FT POLE INSTALLATION DETAILS, ITS-33 CCTV CAMERA, POLE MOUNTED WITH LOWERING DEVICE DETAILS - 1, ITS-34 CCTV CAMERA, POLE MOUNTED WITH LOWERING DEVICE DETAILS - 2, ITS-37 HCMS GENERAL NOTES, LEGENDS, AND ABBREVIATIONS - 1, ITS-43 ITS EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TYPE 5 DETAILS - 1, ITS-44 ITS EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TYPE 5 DETAILS - 2, ITS-48 TRAFFIC DETECTION STATION DETAILS - 3, MB-02 CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER, PROTECTION, MB-3 MODIFIED CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER, PROTECTION, MB-4 CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER, PROTECTION REINFORCEMENT DETAILS, SI-14 SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (ALUMINUM) TRUSS DETAILS, SI-15 SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (ALUMINUM) END FRAME DETAILS, SI-16A SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (STEEL) - TRUSS DETAILS - 1, SI-16B SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (STEEL) - TRUSS DETAILS - 2, SI-17A SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (STEEL) - END FRAME DETAILS - 1, SI-17B SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (STEEL) - END FRAME DETAILS - 2, SI-18A CANTILEVER SIGN SUPPORT STRUCTURES TRUSS AND POST DETAILS - 1, SI-18B CANTILEVER SIGN SUPPORT STRUCTURES TRUSS AND POST DETAILS - 2, SI-18C BUTTERFLY SIGN SUPPORT STRUCTURE DETAILS, SI-19 SIGN SUPPORT STRUCTURE - ELECTRICAL DETAILS, SI-20 CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN STRUCTURE SECTIONS, SI-22 OVERHEAD AND GROUND MOUNTED FOUNDATION DETAILS, SI-22A SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE, DRILLED SHAFT FOUNDATION DETAILS, SI-22B CANTILEVER SIGN SUPPORT STRUCTURES, DRILLED SHAFT FOUNDATION DETAILS, SI-23 SPEED LIMIT SIGN INSTALLATION DETAILS, SI-27 CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER MOUNTED SIGN DETAILS, SI-28 VIERENDEEL SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (SPANS FROM 60 TO 90 FEET) ELEVATIONS AND GENERAL NOTES, SI-29 VIERENDEEL SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (SPANS FROM 60 TO 90 FEET) SECTIONS AND DETAILS - 1, SI-30 VIERENDEEL SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (SPANS FROM 60 TO 90 FEET) SECTIONS AND DETAILS - 2, SI-31 VIERENDEEL SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (SPANS FROM 91 TO 156 FEET) PLAN, ELEVATIONS AND GENERAL NOTES, SI-32 VIERENDEEL SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (SPANS FROM 91 TO 156 FEET) SECTIONS AND DETAILS - 1, SI-33 VIERENDEEL SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (SPANS FROM 91 TO 156 FEET) SECTIONS AND DETAILS - 2, SI-34 VIERENDEEL SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (SPANS FROM 91 TO 156 FEET) SECTIONS AND DETAILS - 3, SI-35 VIERENDEEL CANTILEVER TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (SPANS FROM 20 TO 42 FEET) ELEVATIONS AND GENERAL NOTES, SI-36 VIERENDEEL CANTILEVER TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (SPANS FROM 20 TO 42 FEET) DETAILS - 1, SI-37 VIERENDEEL CANTILEVER TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (SPANS FROM 20 TO 42 FEET) DETAILS - 2, SI-38 VIERENDEEL CANTILEVER TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE (SPANS FROM 20 TO 42 FEET) DETAILS - 3, SI-39 SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE FOUNDATION DETAILS (SPANS FROM 60 TO 90 FEET), SI-40 SPAN TYPE SIGN STRUCTURE FOUNDATION DETAILS (SPANS FROM 91 TO 156 FEET), SI-41 CANTILEVER SIGN STRUCTURE FOUNDATION DETAILS (FOR HSS 32 TO HSS 28 COLUMN SIZES), SI-42 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS SIGN ATTACHMENT AND CONDUIT TERMINATION, SI-43 GROUND MOUNTED SIGNS - BREAKAWAY SINGLE POST SIGNS, SI-44 GROUND MOUNTED SIGNS - BREAKAWAY DOUBLE POST SIGNS, SI-45 GROUND MOUNTED SIGNS - NON-BREAKAWAY DOUBLE AND TRIPLE POST SIGNS, SI-46 GROUND MOUNTED SIGNS - STRUCTURE DETAILS, SI-47 GROUND MOUNTED SIGNS - DOUBLE AND TRIPLE POLE SIGNS, SL-02 TEXT DATA SHEET - REGULATORY SIGNING, SL-03 TEXT DATA SHEET - GUIDE SIGNING - 1, SL-04 TEXT DATA SHEET - GUIDE SIGNING - 2, SL-06 TEXT DATA SHEET - REFERENCE LOCATION SIGNING, SL-07 TEXT DATA SHEET - SERVICE AND OVERCROSSING SIGNING, SL-10 REGULATORY SIGNING - LEFT LANE RESTRICTIONS, SL-11 SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDE SIGNING GROUND MOUNTED ASSEMBLY, SL-14 NJ TURNPIKE OVERHEAD ENTRANCE GUIDE SIGNING - 1, SL-15 NJ TURNPIKE OVERHEAD ENTRANCE GUIDE SIGNING - 2, SL-16 NJ TURNPIKE OVERHEAD ENTRANCE GUIDE SIGNING - 3, SL-23 TENTH-MILE MARKERS AND STRUCTURE IDENTIFIERS, SL-27 OVERCROSSING IDENTIFICATION SIGNING, TB-02 TOLL BOOTH SECTIONS AND INTERIOR ELEVATIONS, TB-03 HALF-FULL SIZE SECTIONS TOLL BOOTH PLAN DETAILS, TB-04 HALF-FULL SIZE SECTIONS TOLL BOOTH PLAN DETAILS, TB-05 HALF-FULL SIZE SECTIONS TOLL BOOTH PLAN DETAILS, TB-08 DATIM ENCLOSURE PLAN AND ELEVATIONS, TB-11 DATIM ENCLOSURE LONGITUDINAL SECTION DETAIL, TI-02 TYPICAL TOLL ISLAND - TWO WAY PLAZA, TP-08 LANE CLOSING THROUGH PARALLEL ENTRANCE RAMP, TP-09 LANE CLOSING THROUGH PARALLEL EXIT RAMP, TP-10 LANE CLOSING THROUGH TAPER ENTRANCE RAMP, TP-14 LEFT HALF RAMP CLOSING - 1 LANE RAMP, TP-15 LEFT HALF RAMP CLOSING - 2 LANE RAMP, TP-19 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNING - I, TP-20 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNING - 2, TP-21 SIGN STAND TYPE III FOR MOUNTING ON GUIDE RAIL OR CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER, TP-22 PRECAST CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION BARRIER - TYPE 4 - ALT.A & ALT.B (1 OF 2), TP-23 PRECAST CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION BARRIER - TYPE 4 - ALT.A & ALT.B (2 OF 2), VM-01 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - GENERAL PLAN & ELEVATION, VM-02 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - TRUSS DETAILS, VM-03 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - TRUSS & FENCE DETAILS, VM-04 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - DOOR DETAILS, VM-05 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - END FRAME DETAILS, VM-06 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - ACCESS LADDER & PLATFORM DETAILS, VM-07 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - CABLE ROUTING & VMS/VSLS MOUNTING DETAILS, VM-08 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS & CMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - DRILLED SHAFT FOUNDATION DETAILS, VM-09 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS & CMS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - SPREAD FOOTING/PILE BEARING FOUNDATION & DRIVEN PILE DETAILS, VM-10 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - BILL OF MATERIALS, VM-11 CANTILEVER VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURE - GENERAL PLAN & ELEVATION, VM-12 CANTILEVER VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURE - WIRE ROUTING & TRUSS DETAILS, VM-13 CANTILEVER VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURE - BASE PLATE & MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS, VM-14 BUTTERFLY VMS SUPPORT STRUCTURE - GENERAL PLAN & ELEVATION, VM-15 BUTTERFLY VMS SUPPORT STRUCTURE - WIRE ROUTING & TRUSS DETAILS, VM-16 BUTTERFLY VMS SUPPORT STRUCTURE - BASE PLATE AND MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS, VM-17 90'-150' OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - GENERAL PLAN & ELEVATION, VM-18 90'-150' OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - TRUSS & FIELD SPLICE DETAILS, VM-19 90'-150' OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - TRUSS & FENCE DETAILS, VM-20 90'-150' OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - END FRAME DETAILS, VM-21 90'-150' OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - ACCESS LADDER & PLATFORM DETAILS, VM-22 90'-150' OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES - CABLE ROUTING & VMS/VSLS MOUNTING DETAILS, VM-23 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES BRACKET DETAILS - 1, VM-24 OVERHEAD SPAN VMS/VSLS SUPPORT STRUCTURES BRACKET DETAILS - 2. E-08 IDENTIFICATION TAG DETAILS. Help Center Factored Uplift Resistance Please choose an Exit that is of your point of entry. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and for Electrical Materials Specifications, are the directions, provisions, and requirements that outline the description of work, method and manner to perform the work, the acceptance criteria and measurement and payment statement for a particular item of work. Has milling or removing surface pavement, which will cause a difference in grade that will affect the utilities, drainage and/or traffic been taken into account? information, services and/or content from other we bsites operated by third silt fence, hay bales, turbidity barriers, temporary detention basins, etc.). The following terms are defined and / or additional guidance is provided to assist the Designer in the preparation of Special Provisions: Electrical Material Specifications: In addition to the Standard Specifications book, there is an additional document for the standard material requirements of electrical items. Quality Assurance or in house Production Team will provide the latest federal wage rate call outs. The user is on notice that neither the State It may also include additional clarification on what additional work is or is not included. More than 20 years of experience as a project manager, client manager and lead structural engineer for the design . Does the environmental plan sheet include all environmentally sensitive parcels, permits, permit expiration dates and specific restrictions that affect the construction schedule? The full set of plan sheets, including project specific standard details that are modified, nonstandard details, as well as all details revised by BDC issued subsequently to the release of the latest standard detail booklet issued by the Department, are to be consecutively numbered. reason. Detail of foundation excavation pay limits in the pier area. Division 07 - Concrete Pavement and Shoulders. Have provisions been made to relocate "PK" nails set in shoulder areas that will be disturbed during construction? Welcome to the Monmouth County Rumson-Sea Bright . Division 02 - Earthwork. Boxes numbering utilities, Structures, Index to sheets. Finalize typical sections according to initial design review comments. Access to this information requires review of, and consent to, the conditions contained in the Terms of Use. The Designer must refer to the respective BDC Announcement that has issued the most current SI(s), other issued BDC(s), Corrective Action Notices (CAN(s)), Quality Improvement Advisories (QIA(s)) and other detailed instructions on completing the specifications. Location and identification of utilities. Pile splice details Copies of the Project Specific SI (portions) marked with proposed revisions and/or additions and printed copies of any revised and new inserts only. The Project Manager and QA shall also submit this to other applicable review units as established. Archaeology, Online Services All characters shall be open, bold, uniform and formed with a dense but not wide line. In the effort to update the Standard Construction Details and Standard Specifications per the 2020 review, all detail sheets have been reviewed and sheet changes have been noted with new title block and signatures. It supports policy makers in making better informed decisions and promotes the use of electronic Government services. Special Equipment Cost been included to account for the impact of construction on the jurisdiction map and it! Special provisions their FDS review memo to the general Terms of use this. Of, and driveways consistent on the jurisdiction map and is it complete Services all shall... Projects involving new design wage rate call outs construction Standards and Details construction Standards and Details construction and. Encroachment Permit have been incorporated in the judgment of the Investor Page the engineer, will be value... All characters shall be open, bold, uniform and formed with dense. Of work must be covered by either the approved Specifications or by the Special provisions should clearly address in! Should clearly address those in their FDS review memo to the control line provided... Time and Relocation, c. Right of Way must be notified in writing. 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