Ruth briefly joins Darlene's operation after falling out with the Byrdes, but Darlene cuts ties with her after learning she has been selling their heroin to Marty behind her back. move in on the Byrdes or Cartel, and all that information he gathered is in the agency's hands and ready to hand off to the next agent on the case. Viewers will never forget how he terrorized the Byrdes and ruined Russ Boyd's life, but couldn't get away from the Ozarks at the last minute. He later kills Helen herself under orders from Navarro after she outlives her usefulness to the cartel. Though he . When Del learns $8 million of his money has gone missing, he takes out Bruce. Frank and Marty's relationship was largely contingent on Buddy's past with Frank, and now that Marty officially went back on having the casino being a union operation, he doesn't have his friend to help reel in the supposed psychopath. Jacob Snell (portrayed by Peter Mullan; seasons 1-2)[6] is the crime boss of Osage Beach. Please refresh the page and try again. After his friends in the mob are murdered by the Lagunas cartel during a drug shipment, a drunken Frank Jr. viciously attacks Ruth, whom he blames for the incident. While under the influence, Rachel crashes her car into a lamppost. He carries out most of the cartel's assassinations in the area, including Cade Langmore, the Byrdes' therapist Sue Shelby, and Wendy's brother Ben. In the Ozark season 2 finale, Cade was on his way out of town with a half a million dollars, until he was gunned down. She begins a relationship with Ben Davis in Season 3. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Of all the ways he could've gone, it's fair to say that Roy Petty met a particularly grisly end! Have something to tell us about this article? Cade puts his hands on the Byrde's teenage daughter Charlotte, and that was just one step too far for Wendy. The streaming service has plenty of terrific titles, but with the third season recently emerging, many are finally taking the time to tune into the twists and turns of Ozark. Just when it appeared as though Jacob was about to put an end to his wife's insane behavior, he fell to the ground and gasped for air while Darlene told him about putting cyanide in his coffee. Born to a religious family in the Midwest, Wendy ran away from home as a teenager, leaving behind her brother Ben, who was diagnosed with severe bipolar disorder. Petty is the kind of character you love to hate. Agent Petty blackmailed Rachel and provided her with drugs to spy on Marty. Three Langmore (portrayed by Carson Holmes) is Wyatt's younger brother. [Rachel] Uh, what'll you have to drink? 1. His death permanently damages Wendy's relationships with Ruth and Jonah. This ultimately backfires on Petty when Russ is murdered by Ruth, leading him to turn his attention to Rachel who he forces into spying on Marty. Far from being the gruff and narrow-minded uncle to Ruth that viewers have grown used to, Russ shows that he can actually be a loving, optimistic, and ambitious person. You will receive a verification email shortly. The following list contains massive spoilers regarding the entirety of Ozark Season 2 and will list every major death of the new episodes. When Cosgrove stalls on approving the clinics, Darlene goes behind his back to make a deal with Frank Jr. to distribute her product. Darlene, like many this season, didnt even have a chance to react. He died in the episode The Gold . At the start of season 2, Cade is released from prison but continues to break the law. 10 years later, the FBI discovers a crashed truck in Chicago holding canisters of acid containing the corpses of several people working for Navarro, who had been executed by Camino Del Rio for stealing money, at around the same time Marty Byrde suddenly liquidated his financial advisor business and moved to the Ozarks with his family, wife Wendy, son Jonah, and daughter Charlotte. Russ Langmore (portrayed by Marc Menchaca) is the father of Wyatt Langmore, and brother of Cade and Boyd Langmore. This no doubt led to his apathy when he was approached by Cade Langmore about wanting to be an informant, and because Petty had dropped his guard, this led to Cade catching him upside the head with the tackle box and pummeling him to death. In Season 4, they hire him as their personal attorney. You can call Jason Bateman's crime thriller a lot of bad things. After Wendy and Buddy, the Byrdes' housemate, burn down the Snell's opium poppy field to destroy potential evidence, Agent Petty raids the Snells' property and finds human bones, much to his excitement. Marty having to kill Mason certainly rattled him, to the point the Byrde patriarch wasn't fully himself towards the end of Ozark Season 2. RELATED: 10 Best Characters In Ozark Just as interesting, however, is the character of Roy Petty, the relentless FBI agent who basically makes it his life's work to bring about the downfall of . He was the looming villainous presence during the major changes in the Byrdes lives, so it was almost comforting to watch Marty work out a deal with him and the Snells. Content Warning: The following article contains spoilers for the Netflix series Ozark. At the end of the first season, Marty arranges a deal between the Snells and the Navarro cartel (represented by Del) to open a riverboat casino on the Snells' land, but Darlene kills Del with a shotgun after he refers to the Snells as "rednecks". Things seemed to be looking up, but Del made the terrible mistake of offending Darlene. Mason's son Zeke is taken by the state, which led him to blame the Byrdes for what happened. At the hands of Ruth's father, Cade Langmore (played by . Darlene Snells hold in the Ozarks was partly rooted in fear, though she also had the law on her side. He takes over the FBI's investigation into the Byrdes after Petty's death, and comes at odds with agent Maya Miller in his dogged commitment to arresting Marty as retribution for Petty's death. Russ attacks him again, but is easily subdued this time and coerced into becoming an informant. Three seasons have passed since unassuming financial advisor Marty Byrde (Jason Bateman) cheated death by offering to launder money for a Mexican cartel in . Del is the first big baddie viewers meet on the show and he makes quite a dramatic entrance. Her story arc is an interesting one, as she starts out as the Byrdes handler before eventually working with them, but she turns around and betrays them towards the end. Marty and Wendy pursue Wilkes' support in getting a riverboat casino built in the Ozarks; Wilkes becomes particularly close with Wendy, with whom he is infatuated, but becomes gradually hesitant to work with the Byrdes amid the looming FBI investigation into their activities. She is shown to be fiercely proud, short-tempered and impulsively violent. Wilkes' lawyer and right-hand man Jim Rattelsdorf goes on to become the Byrdes' trusted ally and personal attorney. . As far as masturbation is concerned, some people who still . His friendship with Jonah and protectiveness of the Byrdes are just a few of the aspects that make him such a great character. Therefore, Darlenes husband and Ruths cousin took a bullet right between the eyes, and Javi walked out without another word. Roy Petty is a major antagonist in the Netflix series, Ozark, serving as a major antagonist in both Season 1 and Season 2. The fact that he endangered Helen and Zeke makes it harder to feel bad for him, but it was still troubling to see his life end in such a sorry state. The series really doesportray the institution in such a negative light, sometimes to a comical extent like in Roy's case. After some trouble with the heroin-dealing Snell family, Del was brought to a negotiation that Marty believed would be mutually beneficial for both sides. Roy insults the Langmores in front of him, calling them trailer trash that will end up back in jail and that Russ deserved better than them, causing Cade to strike Petty in the head with a tackle box. Enjoy!FAIR-USE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER* Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act. When Ruth proved unreliable in her efforts to get Marty Byrde's cash location, Russ and Boyd decide to go over to the Blue Cat lodge and kill Marty and skip town. There have been a lot of jarring deaths in Netflix's Ozark, as the crime-filled drama series does not shy away from abruptly ending its characters' compelling story arcs.Some deaths are more heartbreaking than others, with the worst ones often resulting in tear-jerking moments that will stay with fans . He co-hosts the Queens of the B's podcast with Mark Muster and writes a regular newsletter, Omnivorous, on Substack. When Marty uses his mom as leverage, fans likely realized that Roy is capable of genuine love and concern. Ruth has a difficult relationship with her father, Cade, who is shown to be a criminal and often abuses and mistreats her. Hes been writing online for over a decade and never dreamed hed be in the position he is today. Jason Bateman's Netflix drama Ozark took viewers on a wild ride in Season 1 and left a cliffhanger that only teased additional craziness down the road. Once Agent Petty exits the scene, his role is taken up by two other agents (one of whom happens to be another of his exes). Just in case you need a primer & refresher on things you forgot in seasons 1 & 2, here is a guide. Wendy eventually extorts Wilkes into backing the casino legislation by donating to his charity with cartel money, forcing his cooperation. Gene. Roy Petty is the secondary antagonist in the Netflix crime drama Ozark, serving as a major antagonist in season 1, the main antagonist of season 2, and a posthumous antagonist in season 3. Russ wants to start a new life with Petty faraway from the Ozarks. Marty goes through the ringer and pulls off the impossible to meet Young's outrageous demands, but eventually has to cap the preacher when he goes unhinged and threatens to kill Wendy anyway. Rachel realises that Ruth may already legally own the casino due to inheritance from her cousin Wyatt. Unlike obnoxious characters like Cade and Del, the deaths of more likable figures in the show are often devastating for viewers who root for and have grown to love them. She killed the pair after suspecting Russ of becoming an FBI informant. Marty first crosses paths with Cosgrove when seeking the union's approval to build his own casino, enlisting the aid of Buddy - an old acquaintance of Cosgrove's. The Netflix series Ozark is remarkable in part because of the wide array of characters that it presents to the audience. Its almost too painful to watch things spin out of control for Ben after he makes a horrific mistake by confronting Helen. It would have made more sense if the show had taken some more time to show his background and then connected this to his pursuit of Marty and Wendy. . The cartel in turn attempts to assassinate the Snells. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The much-anticipated Season 2 delivered that promised craziness in spades and left a surprising character body count in its wake. The series stars Jason Bateman and Laura Linney as Marty and Wendy Byrde, a married couple who move their family to the Lake of the Ozarks and become money launderers. Audiences do see his ex in some flashbacks before his mother's accident that left her ill. Ruth gets him released, but Ben travels to Helen Pierce's house and reveals her cartel activities to her daughter Erin, making him a liability for both the Byrdes and the cartel. [1] Felix Solis, Damian Young, Alfonso Herrera, and Adam Rothenberg joined the cast for the fourth and final season. RELATED:10 Ozark Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games. Content Warning: The following article contains spoilers for the Netflix series Ozark. . Darlene walked into the kitchen, and reappeared with a loaded shotgun and killed Frank before he even had a chance to react. Cinemablend is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. As compelling as he is, however, there are still quite a few things about him that, quite frankly, don't make a lot of sense. I've always hated Cade! We have no doubt she'll continue to spread random chaos should Ozark continue, and we're sure she's only going to get crazier until someone takes her down. Thank you for signing up to CinemaBlend. He forms a sexual relationship with Agent Petty who later betrays Russ and blackmails him into becoming an informant. However, Darlene and Wyatt are promptly shot dead by cartel lieutenant Javi Elizonndro after getting married, as retaliation for Darlene continuing to produce heroin against the cartel's wishes. Agent Petty uses state inspectors to close down the Byrde-owned businesses while directing Rachel to gain evidence from Marty, using stolen drugs to manipulate her. GastonRabbit MOD. He worked with Louis, an inside man infiltrating the Navarro drug cartel as a money launderer, until he is discovered and murdered by the cartel for it. Buddy, who knew Frank from his past, gave Marty an introduction, and hes been in and out of the story ever since both as a friend and foe. Roy drives her to the woods and holds her at gunpoint, nearly shooting her as a threat if she does not begin providing useful information. Janet McTeer, Tom Pelphrey and Jessica Frances Dukes joined the main cast in the show's third season. What did Ruth's dad do in Ozark? Even though viewers know from the start that Buddy has less than a year left to live, it doesnt make his death any less heartbreaking. Cade found himself in the firing line after murdering FBI agent Roy Petty (Jason Butler-Harner) and promptly got killed off. The two formed a real romance despite their age difference, and co-parented the little baby Zeke. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Rachel, later, steals $300,000 from Marty from the $50 million of cartel money he had been hiding in the walls of the Blue Cat; with this money she flees the Ozarks and sometime later is seen suffering from substance abuse. Upon learning of this, an irate Cosgrove storms into Darlene's home and threatens to kill her, but Darlene shoots him dead with a shotgun and has Wyatt bury his body. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, While Boyd didn't have much impact on the story overall, Russ' death has had a profound impact on Wyatt's arc in Ozark, and his secret sexual relationship with FBI agent Roy Petty impacted future events as well. Ozark season 3 is coming to Netflix soon. When Cade is offered a bag of cash to get out of the Ozarks, he doesnt hesitate to leave his family behind. It eventually arrived in August 2018 and proved to be an even bigger success than the first, so hopes were inevitably high for the third crop of episodes which recently surfaced. Whats worse is that he puts the Byrdes in even more danger when he loses his cool and murders an FBI agent. New York, Upon finding their bodies, a devastated Ruth arrives at Marty's home with a shotgun and threatens to kill him unless he name Wyatt's killer. Roy is drinking in a bar when Trevor coarsely informs him of their deaths, causing Roy to smash a beer bottle on another customer's head before pointing a gun at the attendants and shooting the bar's TV screen out. He gets into college, but after learning that Ruth killed Russ, instead of attending, he moves in with Darlene Snell in exchange for doing work on her farm land. Agent Petty uses these legal troubles to coerce Garrison into returning to the Ozarks and wearing a wire to spy on Marty. Ben said what was on his mind, which we all know is never good when there are paranoid cartel associates on just about every block in town. His paranoia resulted in him trying to kill Marty and Wendy, which ultimately led Marty to accidentally shoot Mason through the neck. Charles Wilkes (portrayed by Darren Goldstein)[17] is a wealthy businessman and conservative political donor. In four seasons, Jason Bateman's creative team has strung together many airtight episode focused on how Marty Byrde went down to the Ozarks with his family to wash money for the Navarro cartel.However, upon dissection of the first season, Marty only managed to survive due to a couple glaring plot holes, so let's see . Omar Navarro (portrayed by Felix Solis; main: season 4; recurring: season 3) is the leader of a Mexican drug cartel. While this makes sense in that the series clearly wants to move on to new stories, a lot of viewers are probably a little stumped about why the FBI seems to care so little about what happened to one of their agents. Jacob Snell. He learns that Russ and his niece, Ruth, are plotting to kill Marty and steal his money, to which Roy secretly foils by tampering with the wires meant to electrocute Marty upon landing on the dock. It seemed possible she mightve survived due to the placement of the injury, though Ruths arrival to the house later suggested Darlene did indeed die. Cinemablend is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. Shes a sweet person whose storyline had the perfect comical twist, but everyone could see her death coming from a mile away after she drove up to Martys driveway and in front of Helen. Sam Dermody (portrayed by Kevin L. Johnson)[14] is a hapless, gullible realtor that Wendy first meets when looking for a home in the Ozarks. CNF Agent Elena Del Rio. Some deaths are more heartbreaking than others, with the worst ones often resulting in tear-jerking moments that will stay with fans long after theyre done watching the show. To weed out . The viewer sees that they actually had a pretty committed relationship, but things must have gone sour at some point (as it does for so many of the characters), because, by the time the series takes place, there isnt any sign of him. Agent Trevor Evans. Meanwhile, Agent Petty storms the Snell plantation, annoyed that someone burned the poppies the night before in what Jacob called a planned burn, but ecstatic when a dog finds bones on the property. However, Marty convinces Jacob Snell to replace the bones with those of Jacob's buried ancestors, nullifying the find and allowing Jacob to file a desecration complaint. A financial adviser drags his family from Chicago to the Missouri Ozarks, where he must launder $500 million in five years to appease a drug boss. Not long before Cade met his demise, he brutally killed Agent Petty in one of the most horrific deaths scenes ever on Ozark. The family's situation is further complicated when Wendy's brother Ben comes to stay with them; Ben begins a relationship with Ruth and eventually goes off his medication, increasingly jeopardizing the Byrdes' safety. Herrera appears in only one episode of season 4 part 2 although credited with the main cast, "Meet the cast of Ozark season 3 on Netflix", "Ozark's Julia Garner Teases Ruth's Surprising Season-Three Storyline", "Jordana Spiro Talks Pressure-Filled 'Ozark' Season 2 and Directorial Debut (Exclusive)", "Ozark season 3: Who plays the FBI agent on Ozark? His death will undoubtedly help cover up anything he did that would've constituted a mistrial should the F.B.I. Frank Sr. eventually got impatient and confronted Darlene Snell in her home, hoping to intimidate her into paying out her money. Wendy ultimately allows the cartel to execute Ben, permanently damaging her relationships with Jonah and Ruth. He just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and definitely said all the wrong things to Cade. Jan 17th 2023 at 11:02:44 PM. Petty is clearly not dim-witted, so it really doesnt make sense why he thought it was in any way a good idea to get into a sexual relationship with a person that he was going to end up using for his own purposes (particularly since he ended up truly falling in love with Russ). He grew up on Star Wars, DC, Marvel, and pro wrestling and loves to discuss and dissect most of it. Clearly, Roy thinks its okay to do this because it will lead him to Marty, but even so, one cant help but wonder why he in any way thought this idea wasnt going to blow up spectacularly (even aside from the obvious immorality of giving someone drugs). The Federal Reserve Banks are the agents of the foreign central banksIn that dark crew of financial pirates, there are those who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket." Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its power, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. For example, a person has to earnestly pursue his studies and careers, and he has to work hard day and night to achieve success. With more audiences flocking to watch Ozark, Agent Pettys death still remains a talking point. Peter Mullan. At any point, Agent Trevor Evans could have decided to report Roy to his supervisors. Jim Rattelsdorf (portrayed by Damian Young; main: season 4; recurring: seasons 2-3) is Charlie Wilkes' right-hand man who becomes an ally of the Byrdes. FBI Agent Roy Petty's first way into the Byrde money laundering scheme might have failed, after Ruth killed her uncles after suspecting Russ had turned informant (he did; Petty had been . Douglas Dickerman. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Ozark: 11 Things That Make No Sense About Roy, Roy Petty has quite an interesting story arc, Marty's Transformation Over The Seasons Of Ozark (In Pictures), 10 Best Ozark Characters, Ranked By Bravery, 10 Best Nicknames That Defined A Character In Game Of Thrones, 18 K-Dramas About Falling In Love With The Boss, 10 Arguments Every Supernatural Fan Gets Into, House Of The Dragon: 10 Greatest Targaryens Who Never Sat On The Iron Throne, 10 Great Forgotten Shows From The '90s You Should Rewatch, Every Bob's Burgers Halloween Episode, Ranked, House Of The Dragon AI Images Imagine Book-Accurate Character Designs, The Conners Is Setting Up The Biggest Tragedy Since Roseanne Died, Big Bang Theory Boss Admits Huge Penny Mistake In Early Seasons. wouldn't find it. Viewers will never forget how he terrorized the Byrdes and ruined Russ Boyd's life, but couldn't get away from the Ozarksat the last minute. Buddy's heart finally gave out on him in episode 6, but not before he helped Wendy burn down the Snell's opium field so the F.B.I. Agent Pettys questionable methods and manipulative ways make it hard to sympathize with him, even after learning about his difficult relationship with his mother. But her death didn't happen out . From Sues untimely end to Buddys quiet demise, the most tragic deaths in the series are often the ones that happen to characters who deserve better. Considering everything he has gotten away with, it's strange that no officialinvestigationinto his time in the Ozarks was ever opened. There was a problem. She and Marty have a brief affair in season 2. At first, Petty works with Evans in questioning the family, but it is quickly apparent the case will be an obsession for him, to Trevor's wariness. Cade finishes him off by bashing Roy to death with the box, before stabbing his body and setting it in the river. They have a strong bond, which is tested when they go into business with the Byrdes. In her home, hoping to intimidate her into paying out her money [ 1 ] Felix Solis Damian. The fourth and final season for what happened the entirety of Ozark season 2 and will list major! He later kills Helen herself under orders from Navarro after she outlives her usefulness to the Ozarks, he killed. Major death of the most horrific deaths scenes ever on Ozark by confronting Helen and promptly got off... Cade finishes him off by bashing Roy to his charity with cartel money, his. Her home, hoping to intimidate her into paying out her money the much-anticipated season delivered! Group and leading digital publisher a regular newsletter, Omnivorous, on Substack without another.. Ozark characters Ranked Least to most likely to Win the Hunger Games [ ]... 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