I remember the show, but just barely. Aaron had only met Madeline Bolt once. He hoped the three bushwackers faces looked worse. And maybe he wouldnt be so stiff-necked if we didnt constantly rub his face in our brotherhood.. Beautiful wedding, nice party, wonderful gifts., Flushing, Aaron stared at the hands crossed over the back of the chair. How could everything go so wrong so quickly with so little warning? He toppled his desk on its ear. If there was one person in the world, he knew he could trust with his secrets, it was Carlotta Hatfield. Muscles taut, Jason jerked upright in his bed. General?, General Ashland, the man extended his hand. I think the word you want is savage. He was but a babe in arms. That the man had even had a life before Seattle never crossed Joshs mind. He hoped. All day long hed tussled with his dilemma. Her sweet response warmed him. And Aaron Stempel? Not now. And he never would. Today he could only sigh. I and the babe should be strong enough then to continue our journey to the land of the Scot. God, sitting next to him was a man whod known his mother. We were just a mistake he wanted to forget about.. The journal crashed into the far wall, perilously close to the fireplace. Well, ladiesand gentleman, Lottie started shooing motions. Like when you color outside the lines, take a step back to get a different view of your work, your coloring, and think to yourself hey maybe Im on to something., An abstraction? asked Miss Clark. Im not. Jeremy raised his hands in peace, but stood his ground. Yes, I see very well. She pulled a bottle from her box and soaked a piece of cloth with the liquid in it. No, you went right to Stempel., You did, Jason, Jeremy took up the argument. I turned ditto-machine purple. We bought the girl passage on a ship to America. Lord. Have patience.. What a hardship it was. Tried dirty tricks to steal our mountain? Sending a regretful glance at Aarons hunched shoulders, he headed for the door. If you go over to Aarons house demanding he start acting like your brother, the only thing youll get is a fancy shoe print on your derriere. And what if she did? They both sat staring into their coffee. Relief? You should have known better than to sign a contract without locking in a fair price, Jeremy countered. But he found his quest was in vain for Aaron was already crossing the floor with a determined stride. I dont know anybody who deserves it more., Against violence in general, this time Jeremy couldnt help but agree. Hey!, Men! How would he have faced the impossible choices his father had faced? The last few days you have seemed rathermelancholy.. My wife! Before all this had started, hed been sure of himself and where he stood, now he felt like an rudderless ship, lost and adrift. Jason continued as if Josh hadnt spoken, It must be very precious to him, yet he trusted me with it. To be part of a real family. Better slow up on the booze or youre gonna pay for it in the morning. She took a long and careful appraisal of him. Not that it matters what I say - but go ahead and take his offer. Chapter 1 - Revelations. Stakes in a game?, No, of course not! Jason struggled to explain. I dont think we have anything else to discuss. Jeremy wanted to go back to the time when he understood the world and the people around him. Duncan, you knew? Jason had suspected, but he hadnt been sure. Believe your mother a fine woman, who loved you and did what she thought best for you., Hiding his face from the eldest Bolt, Aaron rubbed his burning eyes. Im going to leave these here. Bolt tried to help, blunting the worst of the indictments. And what of my son? Hes hardly talking to us. Ive been waiting Her frown turned real. Had Jason been trying to show him what it could be like? Pouring himself a cup, he frowned at the visible ripples in what should have been the smooth surface of the liquid. Jason breathed a great sigh of relief. So hed sought refuge in the one place he knew he still had control. How could he deny it now? You're the richest man in town. He gave a reluctant snort of laughter. Only grabbing onto the rainspout kept him on his feet. I suppose I am, Uncle.. Crude? Aaron snarled. He came back to Scotland not to shame your mother but because he thought Madeline deserved to hear the words from him. :-) But the idea hit me like a lightning bolt and wouldn't leave me alone till I wrote down. It was all Jasons fault in the first place. Maybe lets dont, the princess bride says. He loved your mother- Jason stood more slowly, reaching out to placate his friends anger. And theres no one else I trust enough. Good. Jason slapped him on the shoulder. Turns your stomach, doesnt it?. Josh and Ken stepped away but kept a cautious eye on the three men. His eyebrows furrowed as he listened. Good morning, Mr. Stempel.. The lecture always ended with a homily on gratitude, obedience, and humility. Perhaps if hed been older when his father died, he wouldnt be having this difficulty. I really enjoyed. Hell, he was in serious trouble even if they didnt get behind him. He wondered what kind of scene he would find there. Stempel hates us!, No, he doesnt, Josh. One week from Saturday you and I are going to be married and nothing is going to stand in our way.. My first thought was "Jason and Biddie on an errand and an accident occurs ." So happy, sometimes I think Ill burst with it. Laughing aloud, he vaulted over the railing. Hes done nothing to deserve my lies. Trying to push Josh now will just make him more stubborn., She gave him a teasing slap on the arm. Head down, shoulders slumped and hands shoved in his pockets, Aaron stood in the middle of Lotties. Get your gear and clear out. But I cannot in good conscience include this mill in the deal. I wanted to send out this "New and improved" version. It would seem right Jason sighed, trying to think of the right way this should be settled. Lottie: Joan Blondell . But he didnt seek that thrill out the way Jason seemed to. Why dont you go outside and cool off?. It's a gen story which revolves around the Bolt Brothers. He hadnt noticed how tender they were until now. Had nothin to do with jealousy., Jason stepped quietly behind the millowner. best woman CARNIVOROUS TENDENCIES okay forkle just get my wings pls spicy (pepper flakes) pls ty. But his own stubborn pride made him snap, Is that why you treated us like garbage to be disposed of as quickly as possible?, Duncan tensed. He had promised Jonathan to Madeline of Montgomery as part of an alliance between the two clans. Jeremy snagged his jacket and headed for the door. He denied it. Perhaps its better if I stay out of their lives. Freed him up to take a crew to the stand as you wished him to., Then it was a day well spent, Jason returned his grin. No! I have heard tales of some very unfriendly dealings Mr. Stempel has had with the Bolt brothers., Hes also risked his life to protect the Bolt brothers. Hell, he might do it anyway. What end result do you want?, I want all my brothers to be a family together. He frowned at the obviousness of the question. After the wedding of the hundredth bride, Jason and Aaron have a conversation. They broke up reluctantly, trailing off in small groups, the buzz of rumor already starting. More than enough to fill his stomach. Jon called her Miri. I dont want to know. Passages flashed by his eyes, passages about Bolts journey to America with his new wife. Now and then, I suppose. Duncan sighed. But the declaration of guilt, when it was over, had been strangely liberating. Im not offering you pity or charity, Aaron. Both Bolts recoiled. Lay off, Red. Why dont you come in?, Fluttering her eyelashes at him, she threw him bright grin. Bolt. The millowner looked pleased with himself, as well as more than a little drunk. And hated himself for the weakness. I mean, it belonged to your mother. He was four last October. Rolling his head from side to side, Aaron tried to release the tension in his shoulders. Accept that someone cares about you?, Be part of a family, Aaron muttered. Just close the damned thing, he told himself. Theres a mail-order bride. But there was the time you were attacked by Bigfoot. Whimsically he wondered which half of him was Indian and which half Bolt. Ill make sure nothing happens to it, he promised in his most solemn voice. Standing outside of Lotties, Jason gave himself a bracing speech. Youll never let me forget, will you? Keep your hands off me, Bolt. What should I do? If only Maddie werent so sick, I would accept the consequences of my past mistakes and find a way to bring the boy into my family. To have broken their betrothal could have caused a feud between our clans. Shocked eyes appealed to Jason to deny the earth-shaking revelation. Well, Aaron, I just wanted to invite you to Sunday dinner., Dropping his head, he pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes. Youve done it before for us., Aaron peeked out from between his spread fingers. There was only one way Red and his crew could have known that Stempel was part Indian. I guess I cant deny that. Ive never been a Bolt. The day Father died., Yeah. The fearful anticipation in his brothers eyes vibrated in Jasons bones. This went directly against the image of the man hed grown up idolizing. But it felt like a cowardly way out to the rest of him. Swackhamer Writers :). Groaning, Josh leaned back until his head thumped against the wall. Who am I? We just want to make sure you dont get them purty clothes all dirty before you get to the reception., And we want to make sure you actually make it over there, Josh added. In the resounding echo Jason heard the lock slam home. If I dont read that diary, I wont have to believe it. Joshua flicked his gaze between the other two men, trying to comprehend what they were talking about. best man I've come to accept it but it's still weird you're going to eat a chicken a chicken . Set in Seattle in the 1870s, the main storyline focused on a family of loggers in the new West who had to bring in 100 women potential brides for their male crewmembers. Do you have any doubt in your mind at all that this savage couldnt change your life?, Jason wrapped long arms around Aarons shoulders, tugging him back. Emotions he didnt want to identify roiled through him. Not a whimper when three guys are beating on them but let a woman try to clean them up and they start to fuss. Admiring the smile hed cause, he leaned in to steal a kiss. Aaron wondered why he tried. His father had denied him. The youngest is scuffing around with his bride-to-be, looking like a kicked puppy. I have a present for you., Call it a welcome to the family present., His scowl deepening, Aaron made no move to take the present. What the hell are you up to, Bolt? Aaron spoke into hands cupped around his face. But every time the newlywed couple were together and he started toward them, someone always whisked one or the other of them away before he could complete his journey. I didnt say I didnt want to. Had Jonathan abandoned her when he found out she was pregnant? In fact this party is in honor of my brother Jeremy and his new bride Candy. Will it be able find its way home? The concept of Aaron being a Bolt brother is still a concept too difficult for me to accept. It shouldnt be so important. A girl has to make a living. Of course you do nae. Is Mr. Stempel inside?. For the moment he wanted to relax with his friend and just shoot hoops in the backyard. Another swallow followed the first. No one could be close to them and not see it. Jason sat silently beside his uncle on the empty pier. I look forward to reading it. And I have to say you might have edged up to the line but you never crossed over into the illegal., The two men shared a knowing look which raised Joshs blood pressure another notch. I wasnt then and Im not now! He took another swallow of brandy to drown it out. After making sure Jeremy had Thompson started on his journey, Joshua headed back to the mill office. He didnt really care, he told himself; but he continued reading. Do you believe its true?, Relieved that someone was finally asking his opinion, he sighed. Well, Mrs. Bolt, shall we make our way to our reception?, Yes, Mr. Bolt, I think thats exactly what we should do.. But to be able to - if not talk to the boy - then to hear of him regularly, I would give most anything I own. Will wonders never cease? Had Bolt truly cared or were the words just to soothe his own conscience? What makes you think Im worried?, Perhaps worried is nae the correct word? Duncan assessed him with a shrewd eye. Tilting his head up, she stared intently into his eyes. Yes! he shouted. Hed thought hed worked his way past this feeling. The boy is Miris son. Shocked. Jason decided it was time to put him out of his misery. But this isnt over between us., I know that, Aaron. Jason took a step back, allowing Aaron some breathing room. The question of their fathers integrity. death was tragic, but it happened long before you were born. He simply wasnt a good enough actor to cover what he felt. He began to understand a little of what lie behind Aarons hostility. Wed, Oct 16, 1968 30 mins. The caress of a curtain, pulled. But I hope you Bolts dont start thinking all this brotherly mush is going to be an every day occurrence.. For a second he thought of ignoring the eldest of the Bolt clan, of hiding in the dimness, but he realized it was too late. Take a break. Josh could detect no hint of I told you so in Jeremys tone. My son. So he made this himself. I do nae know what it said, but after reading it your father was heartbroken. Your father tried to do right by both of the young women. Alice Shields came to Seattle with the other brides to get away from her monstrous step-father, hoping to leave her past behind. Taking a native bride wasnt all that uncommon in the area. Possibly a night of drinking the spiked punch would open his mouth a bit. Could I face her again after what I allowed to happen? Dark smudges under red-rimmed eyes didnt enhance the image he presented. Josh coughed to clear his throat of the huskiness he knew would be there. Remember Im the one who has to approve your contract with the government. Interesting take on the "half-sibling" plot so popular in our fandom. Cmon then! He struggled furiously against the firm hold Jason had around his shoulders. None of this is going to change that. Was this what Aaron hadnt wanted to admit? Its him? Her eyebrows climbed into her bangs. But the only way they could possibly have found out was from the Bolts. What about the other side? Hed thought of little else for the previous week. That you were a Bolt., Leaping to his feet, Aaron slammed the journal against his desk. And now thanks to your family, Im gonna have to start fighting them again., Has your life been so dreadful, lad, that you must strike out at those around you? We only received one or two letters in the years he was gone. Neither Joshua nor Jeremy has ever gotten along with Aaron. Joshua, Jeremy, why dont you escort the colonel back to Lotties. Relating a shameful family secret wasnt easy. Morning, Jason pasted his biggest, most insincere grin on his face. This is my second quiz about the TV show, "Here Come The Brides", that aired from 1968-70. Bolt, when were your brothers gonna meet us?, He felt solid warmth as Jasons shoulder pressed against his. I HATE this evil POS app! He seems to be a decent young man. Finally his trembling legs and overworked lungs forced him to a halt. Oh God, and all the time He thrust the journal in Jasons face. She was visiting her family and never knew what happened in those months after your father returned. As the uproar created by General Ashlands announcement died down, Jason scanned the crowd for Aaron. I wanted him to take responsibility for what he did to my mother., And what was that, Aaron? I thought I knew who you were. I dinna think he would ever write about it, Duncan whispered, his face ashy gray. Many a night their father had relaxed in front of the fireplace, carving a toy that would eventually end in the pocket of one of the few children in the area. Jason started, as if he hadnt meant for Aaron to hear. His room in total disarray, he at last slumped down on his bed, physically if not emotionally, exhausted. Red shook off the restraining hands. Why dont we go over to my place? But what about the inside? I trust you had a good nights sleep., As a matter of fact, I didnt, Thompson growled. The only thing hes ever fought is the paper on his desk.. I would give my life to keep from causing her shame. A deadly influenza outbreak is spreading from San Francisco up the US West Coast. Your father would nae listen to reason. And what good had it done him? Damn it all! Wiping the remaining lather from his face, he stared deeply into the mirror. Even his clothes - black suit without the usual accompanying brocade vest - looked gloomy. If we accept the contract, we have to agree to cut Aaron out of the deal? How much worse would it have been if there had been no family around him and everyone spoke an alien language? Seattle finds itself anxiously awaiting the event that no one thought would ever take place; Jason Bolt's wedding, especially considering the bride is Julie Stempel. Who he was didnt change just because he now knew how old he really was. Exchanging a bewildered glance, his brothers pulled up chairs and formed a semi-circle around him. I cant imagine how he feltall these yearsknowing what he knew, Yeah. Hed been too dazed with grief to even try to figure out who could have delivered that lumber. Jason halted his march when he saw Jeremys approach. I hope youre not taking this personally, Mr. Stempel?. The description of their rivalry as a game to Jason, is spot on. I just wanted to make sure you were all right. Oh, no. And scared things run or fight. Why, he didnt even yell at me for what I said at the colonels party., Maybe notoh, I dont knowIm just so nervous. The mans two companions slid on either side of him with evil grins. To allow himself to be that vulnerable, to lay himself open to another person must have been terrifying for Aaron. Though it made me feel like I was being unfaithful to Maddie, I couldnt refrain from asking about her. He would just have to wait until the right opportunity presented itself. It does nae look like now is a good time to push him. I hope yours doesnt., Oh, no, dont turn this back on me, Jason. And now that youve found out hes our brother, will you ever turn to us again?, Everyone looks up to you. Its age was apparent, the edges worn smooth by handling. I thought you were pulling my leg., Incredible? He gave a bark of laughter. They all leaned forward to see the contents. Entering the tent, he slumped down in his chair. But a family it would be, Jason would make sure of it. Candys eyes echoed the same startled confusion. The two men were close to the same age and size. Honestly confused, the millowner wasnt trying to deny the truth. If hed been a little less drunk suspicion might have won, but alcohol and the pervasion joy of the day tipped the scale. I am afeared. What you have a right to., Aarons grin grew wolfish. You wouldnt?, Oh, no, indeedy, we wouldnt dream of it., Well Aarons attempted smile more closely resembled a snarl. Jonathan was but seventeen at the time, Maddie fifteen. Jeremy came in and went up to the bar. He ran his finger along the delicate item. Not even another Bolt. Though he doesnt have Jasons glib tongue, he more than held his own. Would he never be free of that man? Because Im the one who just found out., Im sorry, Aaron. Jason shuffled his feet and twisted the books in his hands. Damn, that was all they needed. Fine. Aaron barely restrained the urge to slap the infuriating grin from Thompsons face. Bolt was the one whod spread the reality of his ancestry around town. Jasons sympathy went out to Aaron although a part of him was vastly amused at bemusing the man. That he was half-Indian? Just saying what I heard. He must have taken the lad in after his mother died., Jason shivered as a seabird sobbed in the distance. Giggling, she pulled him close and confided, So am I. I can hardly wait until were Mr. and Mrs. Bolt., May I escort you to church, soon-to-be Mrs. Bolt?, Candy took his proffered arm. Dont be a wet blanket, Aaron. Shed said it was because calling her Mother was disrespectful to his real mother, but Aaron had known the truth. Dont need it. The great Jason Bolt. Were on opposite The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour? Im just so excited I feel like Im gonna bust right out of this new suit., Jason let out a burst of laughter. One thing that no one had ever questioned was his courage. Oh, she let him know when she thought hed stepped over the line, but he knew he was always welcome in her place. It stung his cut lip but he still savored the burn down his throat and into his empty stomach. A camp-wide crisis: a bride-to-be (Loretta Leversee) turns out to be a widow---with a son who opposes her planned wedding. He scampered out of the saloon, dreading his next task, but with a little lighter heart. Leaning back in his chair, Jason watched as the party slowly wound down. Offer him brotherhood with an open hand.. I wouldnt be buyin now either., In a way you are. She started to steer him across the room. You are who you are. Damned coward. Well see to it. He could hear the wheezy old organ begin the processional inside the church. Why, thank you, Aaron. Here, Uncle Duncan answered from the alcove. I love you., I love you, too. She smiled and coaxed him closer for a kiss. He rose, more nervous than hed been in an eternity. Hed been accused of loving the sound of his own voice before. If you feel you can not do that, transportation can be arranged back to your fort., Is that an ultimatum, Mr. Bolt? Thompson sneered. But I'm trying to get back into it, even if its just posting some of my older stories, although I'm about 1/2 through a newer story though the going is slow. Nothing was too big for a Bolt to tackle. He delighted in the clenched fists and expressions he could elicit. Do you believe its true now? Turning his back, Jeremy warmed his hands over the small stove. Aaron tried to swallow the lump in his throat, grateful for the darkness that hid his expression. This woman meant nothing to him. All up and down the street, heads cranked this way and that. What would ownership of a piece of the mountain buy him that he didnt already have? Please, everyone. I keep hearing her.. Yeah, was the only thing he could think to say. Lottie led him into her private dining room. Why would I know why that man does anything? Is something . You knew! Theyre on a mountaintop laced with luscious greens and derelict yellows. Rules which you bent on occasion, Jason interjected. Bolt, Aaron returned the greeting, his face wiped clear of expression. I never knew you felt like that., What could you have done? Jeremy, whats wrong?, He allowed himself a slight grin. Knowing only a part of the truth is worse than anything you could tell us.. What if he was offended? Alone, hed made his mill a success. It was over, done with, and nothing anyone did now would make a bit of difference. Jason had been hard-pressed, but hed somehow managed to heed Lotties advice and not push Aaron. This girl could barely write her own name. If you truly want me to leave this at rest with our father, Ill try, Jason promised solemnly. Letter? Jason tried to put himself in Miris position. There might be a way to come close., I know your father kept a journal. Jeremy went to the dormitory to visit that pretty girl of his. Duncan threw a couple of plates at the table. He shrugged. It had nothing to do with all of us being family now., Certainly not. Jason waved at their remaining brother, who was wandering rather aimlessly around the refreshment table. Jonathan was never a man to harbor hate in his heart but I do nae think he ever truly forgave us for our scheming.. Did she love him? Did you ask us to help? With that in mind, and to celebrate the birth of Jason's daughter, and Jeremy, and Jemma's sons, Josh returns to Seattle to introduce his fiancee to his family. All the time he knew I was tellin the truth. Relax. Astonishingly a few days later, Wainwright appeared at the Bolt cabin, money in hand and cursing Aaron Stempel. Especially in a family like the Bolts., Why didnt you say anything? Jason framed Joshs shoulders with his hands. He laughed so hard his stomach hurt at times. Because Im the one who just found out. Jason Bolt intoned behind him. With Maddie so sick, it would kill her if she knew. It was nae right what the colonel said to you., Is what he said any different from how you felt? Aaron snorted. We pay you to chop them down, not stand around gawking.. Holstering his hands in his pockets, Aaron turned his face to the stiff salt wind. Im not afraid!. He had only known Stempel as an adult, though he realized for the first time that Stempel must have been younger than Josh was now when they first met. We will not tolerate that kind of prejudice here., Prejudice? Thompson sputtered. It wasnt the reason he was angry, but it would due for the moment. The name of his mothers tribe captured his attention as he turned pages. He had to find his own way, so nae long after the betrothal, he left for America. Dodging, Josh retreated as quickly as his unsteady legs allowed. He picked self-consciously at the bark beneath his hand. Jason reached the newcomer at the same instant. Our father would never have made a baby with another woman when he was engaged to our mother! He knew Aaron would resent his efforts at motherhenning but he couldnt stop himself. How could he deny the new member hed discovered? You know Ill just worry until Im sure youre all right.. Josh sucked in a breath as Jason hit a nerve. A fire grew in his eyes but it was a muted fire. Undiluted compassion for the man unexpectedly struck Joshua. I know you never meant for this to happen, but some of the responsibility falls on Bolt shoulders.. That its Aaron Stempel., God, Jason, how many times has he cheated us? Josh tried to make his brother see sense. Dont think you can destroy me. Jeremy Bolt (Here Come the Brides) Lottie Hatfield Biddie Cloom Roland Francis Clancey Original Female Character (s) Original Male Character (s) On his own in San Francisco, Joshua Bolt seems to have found his niche managing the family's business interests in California. But isnt this what you always wanted, a traitorous voice deep within him whispered. Of scene he would find there dont know anybody who deserves it more., against violence in general, time., when it was over, had been hard-pressed, but stood ground... Because he now knew how old he really was you escort the back. 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